Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Snows of Kilimanjaro

Hemingway's writing is truly amazing and this is exemplified in this short story. His development of character and personality made the story so incredibly interesting and insightful.

The italicized portions of the story, Harry's flashbacks of his life, his love and his writing, allows readers to better understand his current reasons for acting and thinking in the ways that he does. Also, it somewhat explains why his past as well as his present ways with women is so outlandish.

Hemingway's use of imagery throughout the story helped me, and I'm sure others as well, to picture the setting in which the characters were in. His tone throughout the piece seemed somewhat hostile; as if something was about to happen to Harry at any moment.

I liked the development of the character of Harry very much. It seemed as though his life was full of confusion and most obviously regret. Regret for things that had he had and regret for things that he never got around to doing. The way that Hemingway built up Harry's death was unique. As a reader, I was waiting/expecting for it to happen multiple times because Harry felt it coming so often. His death was interesting way to end the story.

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